Blog 13.08.2020

Employment in the era of coronavirus – not all companies are laying off staff

People say that the coronavirus has been very difficult on everyone. The economic crisis triggered by the lockdown, the constantly growing number of cases and an uncertain future are just some of the factors that are contributing to the bad situation. However, it turns out that there are companies in our country which not only are not laying off employees, but are also hiring new ones and planning to give them a raise. Sounds like a fairy tale? That’s the reality.

A sudden rush

It would seem that in the era of the coronavirus, workers cannot look forward to anything good. Employees have agreed to a reduction in salaries and possible dismissal. However, they do not really have to await such a negative scenario. Because more and more companies can boast an increase in orders. Sales and their value have finally moved up, and good performance of individual companies makes it possible to pay slightly higher salaries. Which industries have not been affected by COVID-19? Certainly the medical industry. Especially companies offering medical equipment. Internet shops have gained a lot and are still gaining.

Online shopping was already very popular in our country. But because of the lockdown people learned to order literally everything online. Even after some restrictions have been lifted, these habits have remained in many homes. As we can see, the labour market, even in such difficult circumstances, can positively surprise us.

How to find a job in this difficult time?

When looking for a new job, you should do a little research. Identify industries in which work is available during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s mostly trade. However, please note that we are talking about trade in essential products. Stores selling exclusive cars are probably not looking for anyone. Few people decide to make such a big investment in these difficult times. There’s a lot of jobs going around. Many local companies or limited liability companies are looking for people to serve their customers. Most often they are restaurants, bars and companies from the financial sector. As you can see, new employees are still being sought. So the situation is not bad.

Outsourcing benefits

Many employers are looking for employees through employee outsourcing. Outsourcing involves transfer of functions, tasks and projects to an external company. Everything is based on a civil law contract. Based on this model, the entity that uses outsourcing does not, in principle, have any legal relationship with the person who actually performs work for it.

Outsourcing has many advantages. It certainly allows you to concentrate resources, forces and processes on the company’s core objectives. The organisation itself performs much better and its market value grows. What is more, the company also increases the flexibility of its operations and, by saving time and human resources, efficiency.

What’s the conclusion? You should not sit back and worry about the situation in Poland and around the world. If you don’t have a job, you will certainly find one, and you can even make more money than before the pandemic.

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