How to find reliable employee?
Statistics and researches are more and more disturbing for polish employers. As it turns out, up to 87% companies experience issues to find appropriate employees. Situation involve especially with growing salary expectation, because up to half of Poles planning in the nearest future change the workspace for this reason.
Do not underestimate your employee
You think it is simple giving good piece of advice, but it is worse to fulfill that in growing employees costs and increasingly poor polish employers situation. You’re right. It is worth to follow the opinions and try to deal with it as only you can. If you cannot propose higher salary, encourage your employees giving them non-wages bonuses, like extra health and life insurance or fund the course. This may not always be associated with huge costs. Underwriters foresee preferences amount of dues to group’s agreements and not always it must be paid by employers, but it is welcome among employees. It’s details, which integrated the whole and in real may have impact on employees satisfaction.
A good employee is a satisfied employee
It’s nothing unusual. We work better, if we like our job, and we may like it for many reasons. Ones loves their job because they can develop themselves and their daily activities are their passion. For the others the most interesting will be height of salary without unnecessary bonuses. Others are satisfied of getting normal salary, but with extra employee benefit program. Finally there are also those, who will be satisfied because they have job. Where to find them?
Economic migration
Definitely the most countryman migrated to England, Ireland and the other part of EU, and not because of non-wages bonuses and professional development. They migrated, because abroad they have chance to earn even more then in Poland. They do not work for significantly wages, but after all such a work is good enough for them. How can it be related with present situation in the country? Really simple. Let’s check on the east
Ukrainian employees
Many of our neighbors from east barely make ends meet in their country. That’s why they decide to migrate because of similar reasons, like our countrymen migrate to the West. Many of polish employers appreciated reliable work of Ukrainians. But we used to see them in many places. Employees from Ukraine you may find as a shop assistant, restaurants and hotels staff and the other places related to tourism. They are also in production hall, services sector or offices. Because of little language and cultural barrier, often you do not distinguish them from our countrymen, owing to the fact that many Ukrainian after months can easily use our language.
Work motivation
The most important thing that encourage us to work is motivation. Each of us have it. If you decide to leave your country, of course for work, not for hang around do you? That’s why polish employers appreciate and praise involvement of Ukrainian employees, who can easily find out motivation in themselves to work. According to researches every second big company hire Ukrainians, every fifth – Middle and every tenth – small. If you have problems to find reliable employees, consider to hire Ukrainians. Do not be afraid of formalities, because you can burden outsourcing company. You won’t regret it!
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