Blog 18.02.2020

Asian specialists are welcome

Last years was time of dynamic changes in many fields. The most obvious seems technological development, and beside there is new attempt for marketing, where consumer  set a trends. World events, in turn, determine the development and migration of people. Only a few years ago Poles were dominating European markets – today there is not enough people to work in the country. These are only selected elements that have an impact on the fact that Asian employees are increasingly in demand.

Staff deficit

We got used to see employees from Ukraine in some position in our country. Does Poland is prepared for looking staff in further part of world? Some of us may be surprised, that nationals will not get work. What can we do if recruitment process ends with failure?

It’s time to increase the range and look on employment in wider time context. It is important to smart management this staff, to bring a benefit and have impact on the company’s development. Does the nationality matters? Definitely not.

Unqualified staff

In Poland production company is growing, in which there are lack of staff on blue-collar positions.  Staff from Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Philipinos, may be perfect idea to solve personnel issues in this sector. It is pretty obvious, that Asian are the most hardworking nation, and they really get involved into given work. It is worth to consider an employment of people from other part of globe, because it may bring  good profit.

Exotic SPA office

Exotic staff (usually woman) in SPA cabinets is a daily thing. The specific of place, which highly impact on senses, even force in some situation employment of masseuses from exotic part of Asia, where is the origin of massage technique. Thai or Bali massage will have been done perfectly by people who come from this regions.

If you run your own SPA cabinet or you manage this part of hotels sector, you exactly know that in such a place the most important is mood, smells, light and everything which is nice for senses. It is an example of how important are customers expectation and what changes are needed in hiring process. If you want thai massage –  it must have been done by qualified thai masseuse! What are you waiting for? Start looking for staff from Asia.

Long process of formalities

This is the less pleasurable part connected with employment staff from Asia. This procedures seems a bit complicated and time-consuming. If your consider to hire Asian to your company you have to remember that you will have to sign long term contracts. Almost always you will have to ensure accommodation for staff during agreement. Seems too problematic? 

First of all you do not have to do it by yourself and you may get help from agency. In general it may be even profitable. Secondly – you are not planning business for a month, so don’t be afraid of long term contracts and considered with that extra costs. Calculate how much you lose when you still hiring new staff. It’s simple. If you have any doubts, ask specialists for whom such a situation is a daily thing. Also check that such a solution will be profitable to your company.

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